Sports, Lulz, and Irrelevant Crap
Headlines looked at in a way you can't.... and shouldn't.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fuck The Yankees

As much as it hurts, I'm going to be rooting for a Philly sports team coming up. I love Pedro, so that start will be easy whenever it is (hopefully game two), the rest.... well, they're playing the Yankees. Let me break down my feelings for the Yankees.

I hate the Yankees. I fucking hate the Yankees. Not even half as much as I hate their fake gold chain with a cross on the end, Joba Rules t-shirt wearing, loud, frontrunning, obnoxious, borderline mentally retarded fans. You know the ones. The ones that will face any valid argument by either going "YOU'S IS JUST A HATER HATERS GO DRINK YOUR HATEORADE" or "TWENTY SIX WOILD CHAMPEENSHIPS" amongst a shower of saliva. The idiots that frankly don't know jack shit about baseball.

They can all suck my mother fucking dick. Listening to them makes me want to puke. Reading what they write makes me want to shit Tabasco and broken glass. I personally know exactly ONE Yankee fan in my life that I actually like. ONE. He can actually hold a baseball conversation, properly break down strategy, rosters, and so on.

These other greaseballs drive me absolutely nuts, again, to the point that I hate them more than the actual Yankees. As pissed off as I'd be seeing Joba and GayRod celebrating on a field with a World Series victory, it doesn't compare to how fucking annoying all these drooling, irritating morons are going to be if they win. WE DEED IT TWEENTY SEVEN WOILD CHAMPEENSHIPS... oh my God. Please no. 



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