Sports, Lulz, and Irrelevant Crap
Headlines looked at in a way you can't.... and shouldn't.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Even PETA Thinks You're Retarded
I think I'm going to stick with the "people on YouTube I don't like" theme for a bit. The one a couple posts below? Yeah, that guy (it's a guy, gotta be) annoyed me, but not as much as this one. Check out this faggot.

Oh goody. Makeup to appear deeper than the people he's addressing. Head turning on every sentence like his words are so powerful if you blink you might miss the cure for cancer. A lecture on a lifestyle he doesn't live that includes asinine comparisons that don't make any fucking sense. THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAY-VA-RIT THINGS

"Some people are driven by what society says is okay while others, vegeterians, are driven by what they feel is morally right". Yeah, okay buddy. You're so much better than me because you're too much of a fucking pussy to eat a steak. That's a nice, logical conclusion. You didn't give up meat, okay? Meat gave up you, because you're such a whiny bitch that animals aren't even comfortable being eaten by you.

He also has some other lines that'll make your head hurt, such as "racism towards animals" (because eating something that tastes good = hating it because of what it is right guys) and "[animals] know something you have no concept of : love". I got a feeling if you're dressed up like a mime and whining about people eating cheeseburgers, you don't have much of a concept of love either. Or, y'know, friends, not being laughed at in public, being respected by anybody, etc.

Our lovely raging homosexual closes by smugly pursing his black lipstick covered lips and saying "you clearly condone cannibalism". I sure do! Cow, person, same thing. What an absolute fucking idiot. You want to have dumb opinions, fine, but don't support them with statements that are a load of bullshit.

I will close with a rendition of what somebody in the video comments wrote, an individual that is much brighter than the clown in the video itself.. Not that that's saying much, I've left things in the toliet smarter than this person, but I digress.

If you can manage to do something above baseless insults, spooky music and queer makeup to attempt at getting your point across, maybe I'll consider listening to it. If you can find a way to concede that your "morality" doesn't make you better than anyone else, maybe I'd even consider a debate. I don't see any of that happening anytime soon, so, until then, go choke on your alfalfa sprouts, have fun being totally deep and insightful at your coffee shop poetry slams, and eat a fucking dick.
Blogger Unknown said...
so parently the guy in the video read yur blog and was so depressed that he deleted the video then killed himself... go fig.

Blogger Unknown said...
Hahahaha he really did take it down fucking awesome

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