Sports, Lulz, and Irrelevant Crap
Headlines looked at in a way you can't.... and shouldn't.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Odd picture to captain that way, I know. I did a Google image search of "stupid bitch" and all I got was porn and Paris Hilton, so this is what you get. Nobody wants to see a picture of that blonde preying mantis freak. Frustrating search. It made me so angry that I krazy glued my fathers laptop to the ceiling. Not as creative as my idea of injecting Toliet Duck into all his beer cans and welding them back shut, but that required way too much effort for today. I'll do it tomorrow. So, hey, want me to explain why our country is fucked in two words?

Trina Thompson.

Trina graduated from Monroe College in April, proudly holding some stupid degree nobody gives a shit about. Now, she's..... just...... ugh. Read this.
"They have not tried hard enough to help me," the beleaguered Bronx resident wrote in her lawsuit, filed July 24 in Bronx Supreme Court. -
Yeah. She filed a lawsuit against the college because she's been out of school for a whopping 3+ months and somehow hasn't landed a job yet in the middle of a fucking recession. Hell, she'll probably sue me too for writing nasty things about her if she finds this. Suck my dick Trina, your mentality is the reason we're in this recession in the first place. You and brokeNCYDE.

You've been out of college for a little over three months. What the hell did you think would happen? Graduate, go home, get drunk, get railed by three guys at once, wake up, have job? No. That's not how it works, pumpkin.

Look. I went to a broadcasting school and was pissed I couldn't get a job with my "diploma" from it too, but I didn't sue them. I said "hmm, I guess this school isn't very useful. Shit." and moved on with my life. And you know what? I was right, the school I went to closed down a year later, and the national chain of them died off a few months ago. Boo hoo. Is suing them going to get you a job? Is it, Trina?

You make me want to puke. Maybe you have horrible interview skills. Maybe you aimed for positions you weren't qualified for. Maybe.... you know, maybe this has something to do with you. We all feel super bad for you that the university didn't hold your hand and didn't set up a position for you to take once you graduated, Trina, seriously, tough break, you sound like such a great kid, but grow up. How bout I go get a cheeseburger at McDonalds and then sue them for not unwrapping the fucking thing for me, mm?

Crybabies like you are why we're going down the tubes as a country. You always want to blame somebody else when its your fault. Hell, I talked about this recently, the ugly girl who fell down the hole because she was texting and not looking in front of her. That's you. That's you, Trina. Instead of going outside and getting firewood, you're bitching about nobody giving it to you while you're shoving styrofoam in the furnace.

Listen, you. Wanting something does not = being entitled to it. If that was the case, I'd be balls deep in Kim Kardasian right now.

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