Sports, Lulz, and Irrelevant Crap
Headlines looked at in a way you can't.... and shouldn't.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson Destroys Arch Enemy In Final Act Of Lulz

Godspeed, MJ. Basketball will never be the same without you. Erhm, oh it was that one. I guess Jacko really hated Farrah Fawcett, yesterday was supposed to be her day of mourning. I mean, not for my generation, most of us reacted "who the fuck is Farrah Fawcett" when we learned the news, but the generation before us.... her death was pretty big. It was quite the story.

For about, I dunno, six hours or so.

Then, bam, as I was perusing a few message boards I participate in, all of a sudden they blow up with MIKAL JAKSUN IS DIED OMGOMGOMG, and Farrah was forgotten in an instant. The baseball game last night sucked so I didn't watch most of it, I kept it on MSNBC. Wall to wall Jacko coverage, Fawcett wasn't mentioned once from the point Jacko went HNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHH and fell over to the point he was pronounced dead, or any point after it either. Maybe she was brought up today, I dunno, I don't care about celebrities.

This whole thing bugs me, though. Jacko can't be buried because 85% of him isn't biodegradable at this point, and his heart attack was probably due to little boys being suprisingly high in cholesterol (impressed? Don't be, I stole half of that line. Try to guess which part!). The same news groups that used him for a "LOL LOOK HOW FUCKED UP THIS GUY IS" story once every month or so were the same people acting like Jesus just got crucified. I don't care for that.

Look, some people love me, some people hate my guts, some people don't care I exist. I don't want those second two groups coming out kissing my ass when I drop dead. If you didn't like me alive, don't act like I'm awesome just because I died. That's what's going on here.

If you loved him in life, fine. If you hated him, fine. Show some consistancy though. If you felt he was a scumbag two days ago, you should have felt it yesterday too. Enough of this carebear media crap. Kthxbai

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